Thursday, June 5, 2008

Daily Rants of an Accident-Prone driver

  • don't cut out in front of me (especially when there's no one behind me) and then proceed to go 35mph in a 45mph zone
  • likewise, don't get on my ass when I'm already going 50-55mph in a 45mph zone
  • are you that lazy that you can't manage to use your blinker?
  • all you truckers need to stay in the right lane! all you create is a mile long line of traffic wanting to pass you but they can't! why? because YOU are in the passing lane
  • just because your motorcycle fits in between cars doesn't mean that you're allowed to create your own lane and weave in and out
  • going 100 on your motorcycle with no helmet doesn't make you special or talented ... just dumb.
  • driving is an instance when eye contact is not needed as you chatter with your passenger (and also continuously swerve)
  • I'm all for listening to music while driving but blasting it so everyone within 1/2 a mile can hear it is stupid and you'll regret it when you're 40 and already need hearing aids.
  • If there's a dead animal in the road, have the decency to swerve around it and not re-runover it... it's already died a terrible death
  • If you see someone trying to merge onto the highway and there is no one in the left lane, kindly move over and make room
  • When you're stuck in traffic and 2 lanes are merging into one, it is common sense that the order goes: one from the left lane one from the right, one from the left lane one from the right ... don't be that jerk
  • When you see a pedestrian waiting and waiting to cross the road, how come you don't stop? you're in that much of a rush that you can't let someone walking (while you sit on your tush) cross the road?

I'll be the first to admit that I don't have the greatest driving record. However, I at least try to be courteous. The problem with Americans is that we're all in such a rush... someone doesn't see that the light has turned green and you sit behind them cussing and within 2 seconds lay on the horn. Isn't it all a bit silly? Nobody has patience. We all think that where we're heading is much more important than where you could possibly be going. We live in an instant gratification society so when you want it, you want it now. Grow some patience people - I promise you'll be a little bit happier.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I have no idea what I'm doing for living come the fall. All my friends have graduated therefore I have no one to live with. I have never had good luck with the unknown roommate situation so I am highly against finding a random roommate to live with (Fang Chen aka 'Cathy' circa freshman year who disappeared for 72 hours and spoke about 10 words of English and dropped out a couple weeks later only for me to get a replacement roommate who smelled something awful and barely spoke). I live about an hour away from campus so I could possibly commute but that would be really inconvenient given that if I need to get to campus for something, it'll be a 2-hour round-trip. And, I tried to make a condensed schedule but of course most of my classes are only offered once and I didn't have a choice and have classes 5x a week. AND have I mentioned the rapidly rising gas-prices which are kicking me in the ass right about now. I have problems with not knowing things like this. I'm a planner so for me to attempt to put this on hold until maybe something pans out, I stress and think about it constantly. I have no idea what to do. So, please, someone help me. Sincerely yours

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mom forced to live in car with dogs

SANTA BARBARA, California (CNN) -- Barbara Harvey climbs into the back of her small Honda sport utility vehicle and snuggles with her two golden retrievers, her head nestled on a pillow propped against the driver's seat.

A former loan processor, the 67-year-old mother of three grown children said she never thought she'd spend her golden years sleeping in her car in a parking lot.

"This is my bed, my dogs," she said. "This is my life in this car right now."

Is it wrong that I feel worse for the beautiful dogs than I do for the woman?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

(Almost) 12 weeks old

Little Shaymus is growing up so fast! He is definitely a spoiled little shit but that's only because I love him to pieces... Just recently we started teaching him how to 'sit' and he's doing great with it (although he only does sits on the first try when there's food involved). Today is the first day he hasn't had an accident in the apartment and I am such a proud momma. He makes me so sad when I leave because he just cries and cries and cries. He hates to be left alone. Maybe he'll learn that it actually gives him an opportunity to get into trouble! No one around to yell NO at him. I think he's getting a little better though... he can be left outside by himself without crying now so I'm happy to see he's becoming a little bit more independent. He is extremely friendly though and definitely a people-person. He loves to make new friends! He runs over to complete strangers and plops down in front of them, rolls onto his back, and demands belly rubs. He is certainly keeping my life busy! Here are some newer pictures of the pup:

Monday, April 28, 2008

The newest addition to my life

Everyone, meet Shaymus :)

This was after we gave him a bath... he wasn't too happy

Playing outside

Catching some zzzzz's together

Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Success!

For the past month I have been lying to my boyfriend, hiding information from him, going around behind his back... all for the important night of March 29th. With some help from his friends, I stealthily pulled off a surprise party for his 30th birthday! He's claiming he "knew something was up" but I don't believe him for a second. He's in general very good at figuring things out but he'll let you know if he has. In this case, I did not hear one peep out of him about what he thought was meeting up with 2 recently wedded friends. So, I won :) His friends were great and chipped in to buy him a Nintendo Wii, which was amazing! The look on his face was priceless when he realized he was unwrapping a Wii (he's really been wanting one). He was really trying to keep his birthday quiet, but leave it to his girlfriend to change that one around! He's been saying for a couple of months now he would be going into hiding for the couple of weeks surrounding his 30th. We successfully worked around those plans of his and had such a fun time with everyone! Here are some pictures from the night:

This was after I had to push him through the door -
he failed to escape

so happy!

Playing his Wii

Thanks to everyone for their help! Couldn't have asked for things to come together more perfectly :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Catching Up

last moments with my 1996 mazda protege... had 231,000 miles on it and she still wasn't giving up! Had it since my junior year of high school... RIP

kissing mazda goodbye!!

My first picture of my new car! It's a 2001 Ford Focus (and it has air conditioning! can't wait for the summer) Such an unexpected spring break present!

Monday, March 10, 2008


I got a new car!! More details to follow...

Watch it

Meet Dr. Randy Pausch. He gives a great lecture that I think everyone should take the 10 minutes to watch... it really gives you a positive perspective on living, facing obstacles, and making the most of life.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

why is he following me?!

soo I swing by cvs on my way home from classes today - have to pick up some more ink for my printer. I go up to pay and who turns around at the register next to me but CREEPY MAN!! am I going to start seeing him everywhere now?!

gulp. help.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Awkward moment of the day GOES TO: creepy man

So I'm walking out of the local rinky dink grocery store and I go to start my car before loading the grocery bags in so that it might be just a degree warmer when I finish. As I go to my grocery basket to grab some bags the creepy scrawny old man parked next to me has rolled his window down and shouts "goin' to the game tonight?!"

Me: "Noo"
Creepster: "No?"
Me (trying still to be somewhat nice): "No - I don't have tickets"
Creepster (as I pick up speed packing my car): "A celebrity like me can't even get tickets!"

...Now. if he was a celebrity, why would he a) be talking to me, and b) driving that beat up 1980 oldsmobile...

Me: "heh"
Creepster: "I'm a musician you know"
Me: "Oh yeah? good!"
Creepster: "My name is Miller by the way"
brief awkward silence
Me: "that's good."

I then run to put my cart away, get back in my car as he says to me "take care now" and rolls up his window.

I then peel out checking my rear view mirror every 5 seconds to ensure that he is not following me.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Wasting Some Time

Photo Survey... stolen from Holly :)

1. go to or google image search.
2. type in your answer.
3. only use the first two pages.
4. copy the html and paste here.
5. have fun.

1. What is your first name?

2. Where do you go to school?

3. Who is your best friend

4. What's your favorite color?

5.Who's your celebrity crush?

6. What's your favorite song?

7. What's your favorite movie?

8. What's your favorite vacation spot?

9. What's your favorite dessert?

10. What are you most afraid of?

11. What do you want to be?

12. What's your favorite time of day?

13. Who do you love most in life?

14. In one word describe yourself:

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Allow me to be selfish for a moment...

I'm not going to call them resolutions because I feel most people don't keep their resolutions. Instead I'll refer to them as goals since they are just that.
*be able to run several miles without a problem
*save enough money to buy myself a decent car for summer (my mazda has no a.c.)
*make deans list again
*eat out less
*continue to surround myself with people who are supportive and have a positive influence on my life

Short and simple but necessary. I find I'm finally on track with my life. It's strange how everything eventually falls into place. I always thought it was so cliche when people said that to me, but it turns out they actually knew what they were talking about. I find myself almost completely comfortable with who I am. It is an amazing feeling and a relief that I am finally at that point in my life. I am in an environment that is friendly and positive and makes me feel happy just to be there. Walking around campus, I feel that I belong. I never had that at Ithaca, whether it was the actual atmosphere there or if it was my attitude at that point towards being there. I suppose I am and always will be a Connecticut girl at heart.

I am living with my best friend of nearly 20 years - something we used to dream about when we were young. Despite both originally attending different colleges, we both found ourselves at UConn at just about the same time. Again, it's funny how things seem to come together.

I have an amazing boyfriend who encourages me, supports me, humors me, listens to me, and hands me tissues when I cry.

I have been able to stay in contact with my 2 favorite ladies from Ithaca, which was a major fear of mine in the decision to transfer schools. Through all of our busy schedules, we still get a quick hi or catch-up or (in our true fashion) vulgar statement to each other.

I am so happy to be only 1 hour from home. I talk to my mom just about everyday and get to be engulfed by her hugs that I once took for granted. I am able to spend time with my dad as he goes through treatment once again. I still look back at my decision to take spring 2007 semester off and am so thankful that my gut told me to do so since my dad was diagnosed in January. Need I say it again? Funny how... you get it.

All in all, I am happy and loving life. Sure, I wish I could change some aspects but I find more and more that I look forward in life rather than backward just trying to better my life and maintain positive relationships around me.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Looking Back at 2007

-my semester off begins
-desperately try to find a job
-I tackle betsey's disgustingly filthy room and may have acquired several diseases because of such
-join a gym with the right intentions of getting back in shape not realizing who it'd lead me to meet

-I get the flu :(
-boys and girls club hires me and I start scaring little 1st graders with my eyes
-visit Ithaca to see Carrie and LNicks and the rest :) (and of course, Ithacappella)

-Jason asks me to our first date <3
-I get accepted to UConn as a Allied Health Sciences major
-I start physical therapy round 91283741346519803275 for my knee
-I miss my flight to Spain and therefore have to postpone my visit by 3 days...sad story

-I finally get to Spain (with the right passport) and thoroughly bond with the Spaniards
-I turn 21 and can finally give my sister back her i.d... *cough* I mean, get into bars!
-I begin finding out what a manipulating beast my "best friend" actually is... 'nuff said

-I win $700 at Bingo!

-I break my own record for longest I've stayed with a boyfriend
-Jill and I fulfill our dream of getting an apartment!
-I get kicked out of physical therapy.... again

-have successful knee surgery that has allowed me (after 3 years) to not be distracted by daily knee pain and inactivity
-see Rascal Flatts & Jason Aldean at Mohegan!

-begin classes at UConn and love it!
-get hired at Uno's as a waitress (fo' life)

-Jill turns 21 (finally!)

-we get a hamster... and it dies 3 days later :(
-UConn beats Southern Florida and we rush the field!

-work, exams, and papers... nothing too exciting except for Thanksgiving goodness

-I make deans list with a 3.65 gpa... my highest ever :)
-Betsey comes home and brings senor Alfonso with her
-huge family trip to NYC