Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Success!

For the past month I have been lying to my boyfriend, hiding information from him, going around behind his back... all for the important night of March 29th. With some help from his friends, I stealthily pulled off a surprise party for his 30th birthday! He's claiming he "knew something was up" but I don't believe him for a second. He's in general very good at figuring things out but he'll let you know if he has. In this case, I did not hear one peep out of him about what he thought was meeting up with 2 recently wedded friends. So, I won :) His friends were great and chipped in to buy him a Nintendo Wii, which was amazing! The look on his face was priceless when he realized he was unwrapping a Wii (he's really been wanting one). He was really trying to keep his birthday quiet, but leave it to his girlfriend to change that one around! He's been saying for a couple of months now he would be going into hiding for the couple of weeks surrounding his 30th. We successfully worked around those plans of his and had such a fun time with everyone! Here are some pictures from the night:

This was after I had to push him through the door -
he failed to escape

so happy!

Playing his Wii

Thanks to everyone for their help! Couldn't have asked for things to come together more perfectly :)


Seej said...

So when are you two beautiful people going to populate the world with beautiful babies?!?


Lainey said...

ha! you're funny Holly