Showing posts with label cars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cars. Show all posts

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Daily Rants of an Accident-Prone driver

  • don't cut out in front of me (especially when there's no one behind me) and then proceed to go 35mph in a 45mph zone
  • likewise, don't get on my ass when I'm already going 50-55mph in a 45mph zone
  • are you that lazy that you can't manage to use your blinker?
  • all you truckers need to stay in the right lane! all you create is a mile long line of traffic wanting to pass you but they can't! why? because YOU are in the passing lane
  • just because your motorcycle fits in between cars doesn't mean that you're allowed to create your own lane and weave in and out
  • going 100 on your motorcycle with no helmet doesn't make you special or talented ... just dumb.
  • driving is an instance when eye contact is not needed as you chatter with your passenger (and also continuously swerve)
  • I'm all for listening to music while driving but blasting it so everyone within 1/2 a mile can hear it is stupid and you'll regret it when you're 40 and already need hearing aids.
  • If there's a dead animal in the road, have the decency to swerve around it and not re-runover it... it's already died a terrible death
  • If you see someone trying to merge onto the highway and there is no one in the left lane, kindly move over and make room
  • When you're stuck in traffic and 2 lanes are merging into one, it is common sense that the order goes: one from the left lane one from the right, one from the left lane one from the right ... don't be that jerk
  • When you see a pedestrian waiting and waiting to cross the road, how come you don't stop? you're in that much of a rush that you can't let someone walking (while you sit on your tush) cross the road?

I'll be the first to admit that I don't have the greatest driving record. However, I at least try to be courteous. The problem with Americans is that we're all in such a rush... someone doesn't see that the light has turned green and you sit behind them cussing and within 2 seconds lay on the horn. Isn't it all a bit silly? Nobody has patience. We all think that where we're heading is much more important than where you could possibly be going. We live in an instant gratification society so when you want it, you want it now. Grow some patience people - I promise you'll be a little bit happier.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Catching Up

last moments with my 1996 mazda protege... had 231,000 miles on it and she still wasn't giving up! Had it since my junior year of high school... RIP

kissing mazda goodbye!!

My first picture of my new car! It's a 2001 Ford Focus (and it has air conditioning! can't wait for the summer) Such an unexpected spring break present!

Monday, March 10, 2008


I got a new car!! More details to follow...