Sunday, January 6, 2008

Looking Back at 2007

-my semester off begins
-desperately try to find a job
-I tackle betsey's disgustingly filthy room and may have acquired several diseases because of such
-join a gym with the right intentions of getting back in shape not realizing who it'd lead me to meet

-I get the flu :(
-boys and girls club hires me and I start scaring little 1st graders with my eyes
-visit Ithaca to see Carrie and LNicks and the rest :) (and of course, Ithacappella)

-Jason asks me to our first date <3
-I get accepted to UConn as a Allied Health Sciences major
-I start physical therapy round 91283741346519803275 for my knee
-I miss my flight to Spain and therefore have to postpone my visit by 3 days...sad story

-I finally get to Spain (with the right passport) and thoroughly bond with the Spaniards
-I turn 21 and can finally give my sister back her i.d... *cough* I mean, get into bars!
-I begin finding out what a manipulating beast my "best friend" actually is... 'nuff said

-I win $700 at Bingo!

-I break my own record for longest I've stayed with a boyfriend
-Jill and I fulfill our dream of getting an apartment!
-I get kicked out of physical therapy.... again

-have successful knee surgery that has allowed me (after 3 years) to not be distracted by daily knee pain and inactivity
-see Rascal Flatts & Jason Aldean at Mohegan!

-begin classes at UConn and love it!
-get hired at Uno's as a waitress (fo' life)

-Jill turns 21 (finally!)

-we get a hamster... and it dies 3 days later :(
-UConn beats Southern Florida and we rush the field!

-work, exams, and papers... nothing too exciting except for Thanksgiving goodness

-I make deans list with a 3.65 gpa... my highest ever :)
-Betsey comes home and brings senor Alfonso with her
-huge family trip to NYC

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