Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Success!

For the past month I have been lying to my boyfriend, hiding information from him, going around behind his back... all for the important night of March 29th. With some help from his friends, I stealthily pulled off a surprise party for his 30th birthday! He's claiming he "knew something was up" but I don't believe him for a second. He's in general very good at figuring things out but he'll let you know if he has. In this case, I did not hear one peep out of him about what he thought was meeting up with 2 recently wedded friends. So, I won :) His friends were great and chipped in to buy him a Nintendo Wii, which was amazing! The look on his face was priceless when he realized he was unwrapping a Wii (he's really been wanting one). He was really trying to keep his birthday quiet, but leave it to his girlfriend to change that one around! He's been saying for a couple of months now he would be going into hiding for the couple of weeks surrounding his 30th. We successfully worked around those plans of his and had such a fun time with everyone! Here are some pictures from the night:

This was after I had to push him through the door -
he failed to escape

so happy!

Playing his Wii

Thanks to everyone for their help! Couldn't have asked for things to come together more perfectly :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Catching Up

last moments with my 1996 mazda protege... had 231,000 miles on it and she still wasn't giving up! Had it since my junior year of high school... RIP

kissing mazda goodbye!!

My first picture of my new car! It's a 2001 Ford Focus (and it has air conditioning! can't wait for the summer) Such an unexpected spring break present!

Monday, March 10, 2008


I got a new car!! More details to follow...

Watch it

Meet Dr. Randy Pausch. He gives a great lecture that I think everyone should take the 10 minutes to watch... it really gives you a positive perspective on living, facing obstacles, and making the most of life.